the distance between
nadine gough /styling
joakim heltne /photo & retouch
eivind a. hansen /photo & retouch
lillie russo /makeup
charlie & kelya @PRM/models
Here is the rest of the editorial I shot together with Eivind a couple of weeks ago. I’ve shot half (five) of these photographs, and retouched six of them, Eivind has shot and retouched the rest.
There are a few more photographs in the series, but these are the ones I’ve decided to show in my edit of the editorial, Eivind might publish some others on his blog so you could go there and check out his edit as well.
Legg igjen en kommentar
Okei, wow!! Jeg blir målløs!
Tusen takk^^
That’s a cunning answer to a chleianglng question
Cool! I’m in Yokohama and I have been denied at the door twice at the Cup O Noodles museum because there were too many people. Now I know its worth it. Thanks!
For noen bilder! Fantastiske!
Bildene dine er helt utrolige, bare i tilfelle du ikke var klar over det allerede. Tror faktisk jeg kan strekke meg så langt som å si at du kommer til å bli den neste Tim Walker, -Veldig god altså…
Wow, tusen takk! Så utrolig hyggelig sagt! Nå ble jeg glad^^
Du tar virkelig helt nydelige bilder.
Ordentlig talentfull!