Joakim Heltne


19.01.14, one comment





Model: Miriam  /Heartbreak Model Management

As I wrote in the last post, I also did a test shoot with Miriam from Heartbreak when I was in Oslo in december. I have a few more photos from the shoot to show you guys, but I’m not done post-processing them yet, so you’ll have to wait!

Also, as earlier stated, I have a few more to show you from the shoot with Lea as well. They’ll be up in a few days I guess.


18.01.14, 4 comments






Model: Ingrid A /Heartbreak

Pictures from a test shoot I did in Oslo back in December. I took pictures of Miriam from Heartbreak as well. Working on them right now, and will be posting them tomorrow or monday, so stay tuned!


17.01.14, 6 comments

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Some pictures from the last few months. I need to get better at bringing my camera with me everywhere I go. I was when I lived in Oslo, but I’ve been so busy since I moved to London, so I keep forgetting all the time. Promise I’m going to get better at it, so I can show you a bit more from my everyday life here in London. In the mean time, you can follow me on Instagram, I’m quite good at keeping it updated, seeing as I bring my phone with me everywhere, obviously.

Also, I saw the other day that I’m nominated as a finalist in Vixen Blog Awards, which made me really happy! So now I’m going to Oslo next week to attend the finale, which is going to be so much fun!


10.01.14, comment

Before christmas I had a little shoot with Lea, but I was sooo busy during the holidays that I haven’t gotten around to look through and finish any of the pictures before today.
Also, I forgot the pen to my drawing tablet in Norway when I went back to London after christmas, so I haven’t been able to retouch or do anything in photoshop lately. Yesterday I decided to get a new drawing tablet and pen instead of buying a new pen to my old one, as I’ve been thinking about getting a new one for some time anyway.

Above you can see the first picture from the shoot with Lea. I have a few more to finish before I’ll post them on the blog, so be sure too check in again for more pictures the next few days.
Also, I did a few test shoots for Heartbreak while I was in Oslo which I’ll start the editing and retouch on as soon as I’m done with the ones of Lea.


20.12.13, one comment

I’m done hanging the exhibition now, and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. 19 photographs in total!
Only thing left now is to print a poster with information about the photographs I’ve chosen and present myself and my work tomorrow evening at the official opening. Kind of terrified, but I guess I’ll survive. Hopefully.
Are you in town? Come and say hi, it would make me happyyyy!

Tomorrow at 20:00pm
Café Lindvedske Hus, 
Nedre Tyholmsvei 7b,
4836 Arendal

Also, remember to vote for me these last few days of the Vixen Blog Awards-voting, that would make me even happier. Or at least as happy!
Skjermbilde 2013-12-20 kl. 15.06.19

Click on this screenshot above, find my picture and click “Stem” underneath it. You can, as before, vote once every twelve hour, so keep voting for me. The voting closes at the 31st of Decemberrrr.